The Binge Watching Cycle

There’s something funny about telling yourself “just one more episode”. You know in the back of your mind it’s wrong and should go to bed, you may feel kinda guilty for not being productive, yet you’re loving every second. And who knows, maybe you will even click one more after this one. Binge-watching isn’t just a pastime; it’s a lifestyle. Gone are the days of waiting a full week for the next episode. Now, thanks to streaming services, entire seasons drop at once, practically begging you to lose entire weekends stuck on the couch. 


But I don’t know about you but binge watching shows kinda makes me feel guilty after, but I just never learn and can’t stop. The biggest reason? Instant gratification. No one likes a cliffhanger, and with binge-watching, you don’t have to suffer through agonizing week-long waits to see what happens next. You can watch the entire story arc in one sitting, watch characters fall in love, betray each other, and (sometimes) get resurrected from the dead, all within a few hours. Pretty cool right? 

Buttt it’s not all cool, anything that goes up must come down and I always seem to feel that awful feeling of something missing when I finish the show. I also regret watching it so fast, I should’ve taken it in more I always think. Then I think about all the time that just passed before my eyes. Like think about all the stuff I could’ve done! I could have ran a marathon! But nope, I was a lazy couch potato, lame. 

I don’t want to put full blame on streaming services, I know it is kinda my fault too (more than kinda) but before streaming services I bet you we’re way more patient. Waiting a full week to watch the next episode of a show was the norm, now season releases are the norm. Not your fault your patience isn’t good – blame Netflix! 


So what team are you on? Team binge a new show with episodes back to back burning your eyes with no rest, or kicking it “old school” with weekly (or even daily) episode watches?


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