Are you a morning or a night person? I used to think I was a night person but now I can confidently say I’m 100% a morning person. Some people wake up at the crack of dawn, ready to take on the world. Others hit snooze seven times, stumble out of bed at noon, and wonder how anyone can function before coffee. I mean there’s no “better” one to be, but in my opinion it is good to figure out which side of the day you’re more productive on.
Let’s talk about the night owls. The ones who get their best ideas at 2 AM, thrive in dim lighting, and consider breakfast food a late-night snack. They don’t understand how anyone can willingly go to bed before midnight. This sound like you? Well it could certainly never be me. Even if I have any homework or studying to do at night I’ll be doing it in my bed. Once 5pm rolls around I’m basically ready for bed. I just personally don’t understand the night owls. How do you guys function without any sleep?!
On the other hand, there’s the morning birds. The ones who voluntarily wake up before the sun, go for a run, make a smoothie, and answer emails—all before you’ve even opened your eyes. They thrive in the AM, getting things done while the rest of the world is still debating whether we have time for breakfast. Yup this is me. And to be honest, I know morning birds sound annoying and kinda “pick me” and trust me, I don’t have it all figured out I’m just wayyy more motivated to try to figure it out in the morning. And it’s a good feeling to wake up with a workout shower and have that all done by 10am. Then by the time you get home from a day of school or work I’ll have to do is finish up anything extra and then just relax for the night.
And again, I don’t think anyone has life figured out more than the other, it really just depends on what works for you. And look at it this way, while I’m yawning and getting ready for bed at 7pm you might be just getting ready and heading out for your dinner reso! So, whether you’re greeting the sunrise with enthusiasm or crawling into bed as the birds start chirping, one thing’s for sure—no one actually enjoys waking up to an alarm.