30-Day Song Challenge: Day 1 – A Song You Like With A Color In The Title

Time to write something about social media challenges I’ve been seeing lately.

The 30-Day Song Challenge. I’ve been seeing it on a lot of my friends’ Instagram Stories, and at first I just ignored it because everyone was doing it and I got spammed with people’s stories left and right about it, but now since most people already finished this, I won’t be as influenced of my choices when I see their answers. So now I can now start with Day 1.

And Day 1 I started.

Day 1 – A Song You Like With A Color In The Title. The Rolling Stones – She’s A Rainbow

I chose this because this is a recency bias pick and I usually just go with the song that first popped in my mind. When I said recency bias because I just finished Ted Lasso the series on AppleTV (which I got a free trial for 3 months and I binged it).

To be honest, while I am writing this article, I am playing the song in the background, and it’s the first time I’ve listened to the full song because I assume that the one shown in that episode of Ted Lasso, it was a shortened version to fit the scenes and narrative, and that’s fine. No problem with that. Another thing too is that I don’t really know many Rolling Stones songs. Heck, I haven’t even listened to an album from them so is this the time for me to listen to the album of the song I choose for the day. I think that’s a great idea.

Here we go with me and my goldfish brain lol.

Looking at the Youtube comments for this song, some struck me. The top comment was “Never will forget, driving in my 67 firebird with my mother.  This song came on the radio and my mother said “why can’t your Rolling Stones sing something beautiful like this”. I replied ” mother, this is the Rolling Stones”.” – Wow. Well I agree with the commenter’s mom: This is a beautiful song.

Another one is “This is a very Beatle song from the Rolling Stones.” – after reading that I assumed that The Rolling Stones don’t really have these kinds of songs? I wonder why they wrote this song? Let’s see.

According to an article from American Songwriter, “Mick Jagger and Keith Richards created a straight-up love song with “She’s a Rainbow,” one of the few in the band’s history. But there’s an element to it where you can’t really be sure if the object of the narrator’s affection is even real. Or if she is real, there may be supernatural elements she possesses, what with her beauty’s ability to alter the very nature of light itself: She shoots colours all around / Like a sunset going down.”

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