Binging Ted Lasso Was A Bad Idea

Binging any series is nice because you get to finish a series, but at the same time, it’s not fun taking time to enjoy the series.

I, for one, enjoyed the Ted Lasso series as a whole. This series is a slow burner, and I love my slow burners. Because slow burner series spend time developing the setting, the characters slowly see signs that there’s actually something wrong with them before the inevitable breakdown that will happen.

Okay, not every character had a development and not everyone had the happy ending they deserve based on storytelling techniques from the past or any gender-norms but that’s okay. That’s how life works. Not everyone you know, you will know how their story went and that’s okay. That’s life. Fair enough.

Binging a really great series like Ted Lasso was such an emotional roller-coaster ride that took me to emotions that I hardly visit because how busy I am with school, but I am glad I get to process some of those emotions, and it also gave a really good view on how people in the sports world try to deal with their problems, and Ted Lasso series is a great reminder that it’s okay to ask for professional help. No matter who you are and what your status is in life. We all need help.

One of the things I like about the series is that the women of the series stand up on their own and not just become an accessory for the men as a relationship. I liked how they became the strong, independent women that they always strive to be ever since Season 1, and I believe that’s a healthy and respectful way to portray them like this.

This show’s premise and content from the first season varies so much in understanding and yet it delivered something that incredible, and kudos to the writers and the case that made this possible.

if you really want to enjoy the series, please don’t binge watch this as it’s like a child eating everything and not having great things later but I know that’s super easy to do since given that there were only 30 min per episode but those 30 minutes have better content and development that most series of this genre.

Heed my writing. If you want to binge this series, that’s okay. There’s more than one way to watch any series. Just don’t spoil anyone. 

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