Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix is..

Amazing! There’s no reason for you not to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix, especially if you’ve watched the original Nickelodeon cartoon, but like all things, it ain’t perfect, and these are the three things you SHOULD NOT expect

It will NOT be the same series, shot per shot.

C’mon now. How many live action series have you watched that are the same series, shot per shot? And how many times after hearing the word “Avatar” that you first thought of those blue alien species? Zero. I thought so. So that means there’s no point in expecting that it will be the same Avatar we all watched on Nickelodeon. As much as any animation turned live action series, there are some liberties taken for the live-action, some are good, some are meh, and some are not there, but it is what it is. I won’t tell you those that are bad, because spoiler: I don’t wanna spoil you. You’ve long waited for a great adaptation of Avatar, you deserve to be amazed from start to finish.

At the very least, it’s LEAPS AND BOUNDS BETTER than.. you know what.

The cast is NOT good, It’s FREAKING AWESOME.

Speaking of you know what, the casting from that was, for lack of a better term, Grade-A Bonafide High Quality TRASH! I don’t need to explain it in words, if you take a quick glance at that cast and this Netflix cast? It feels like a Before-and-After, after applying this common, but uncommonly applied sometimes, common sense. The Netflix cast has the look, the feel, the character development. I felt like they REALLY studied the source material and blended their acting seamlessly for their characters. Looking in social media, almost everyone is praising the casting and how each actor portrayed their role as closest to the source material as possible while sneaking in something new that has value for the audience, not just because it’s something new.

You’ll be satisfied after watching. You will want MORE!

After the original animation, people wanted more. So Nickelodeon released The Legend Of Korra (TLOK), and although that series was a mixed bag, everyone appreciated that there’s more to the lore of Avatar, but alas after a while, people wanted more. After a long while, there is now confirmed news that a new-new Avatar animation movie will be released in 2025 portraying Aang and The Gaang in their 30s. In their primes. That’s something we missed during TLOK, because spoiler alert: most of the Aang-Gaang either passed away or too old to have a bigger impact in the story, which I get why they did it because of fleshing out new characters therefore making new lore, but you should be excited now that FINALLLYYYY… THEY’RE PLACING FAITH BACK INTO AVATAR AGAIN. AND NO, NOT THE BLUE KIND, THE OG AVATAR.

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