The Road To WrestleMania Preview Pt. 2

Well, well, well…looks who’s back for some more wrestling content. I know you wanted to see a part two to this because the first one still had a ton of other things to talk about. That is why you and I are here today to discuss some more WrestleMania previews. In my last article, I previewed some matches that are more than likely going to happen and I gave some predictions to those matches as well. However, it does seem as though the rest of the card beyond those matches isn’t really set in stone and there is still a ton of room for things to create storylines for this card.

So this article will be a bit of a different one. I am going to put on my booking hat and try and create some interesting matches for WrestleMania while also keeping them realistic. Some of these may happen and some may not but it’s fun to create some scenarios and see if they actually come to fruition.

Bayley vs Iyo Sky

We should probably start with the one that is going to happen. Bayley is the winner of this year’s Royal Rumble and she very much deserves that win. She has been an incredible worker for the company but has yet to have the really big WrestleMania moment. This year will be the year that she gets it.

There have been constant teases for months about Bayley being kicked out of her faction, Damage Ctrl. This faction has been a weird one because it was going nowhere for a really long time and it seemed like the group was going to be broken up in an anti-climatic fashion. However, things have changed a bit as Iyo Sky won the women’s championship which helped build a storyline which will lead to Bayley getting kicked out of Damage Ctrl and then fighting Iyo Sky at WrestleMania. Sky as champion has been very lackluster since she has been booked to look a bit weak, but giving her this storyline with Bayley could help revive her. This storyline is close to the breaking point and will lead to a good storyline with some intriguing parts to it. How will they do the turn, will anyone join Bayley, what is Dakota Kai’s role gonna be in all of this? All of these are great questions and the only way we’ll find the answer is by waiting and seeing. This storyline is going to be great and I’m excited to see where it goes.

Logan Paul vs ???

It’s kind of weird to say that Logan Paul is a big part of WrestleMania this year because no one would ever think that was true three years ago. I’m not a big fan of Paul but I can’t deny that he is a pretty dang good wrestler. Paul currently holds the United States Championship and doesn’t have a WrestleMania opponent locked in just yet.

The most likely option may be Kevin Owens since those two are in a bit of a feud right now but that may not be what they choose to go with. In my opinion, I feel like if you want to make the Logan Paul match feel big then have Paul go up against LA Knight. Knight has become a huge start as of late and is very over with the crowd (over is a term used for wrestlers who fans really like). LA Knight has been doing some really improved as of late and he has become a must-see wrestler in the ring and on the mic.

Logan Paul vs LA Knight would be great for both of these two. Not only would these two put on a great match but they would also help build each other up. Giving Knight some mainstream appeal could help and that could be done by having him rival Logan Paul. These two would have some brilliant segments on the mic that fans would just eat up. Logan Paul has a gimmick where he talks about always wanting to go viral and it can’t get much more viral than going up against the megastar in LA Knight. While this match may not be the plan, it sure is a fun option for WWE to pull. YEAH!

What To Do With Drew McIntyre

Over the last few months, we have seen the slow heel turn of Drew McIntyre and it’s made for a pretty interesting watch. He has become this character who is angry with his position in the company and he’s also upset that the one time he had his moment and main evented WrestleMania and became world champion was when there were no fans in attendance. He now feels that he deserves his moment when there is a crowd and will get what he wants no matter who gets in his way.

This storyline has been pretty good. However, he isn’t really feuding with anyone. He does have a feud with CM Punk but he is currently injured. McIntyre has an uncertain future as well when it comes to his contract as it is supposed to expire sometime in 2024 but that is unclear. McIntyre is in a weird place because it’s tough to say if they should do long-term booking for him or not.

He could potentially go up against Sami Zayn but I’m not sure if having those two fight at WrestleMania is the way they want to go. So for this one, I want to throw a curveball suggestion that was suggested by my friend Dom. Have McIntyre fight Damian Priest for the Money in the Bank briefcase and have McIntyre win. It doesn’t seem like WWE has much plans for Priest when it comes to cashing in the Money in the Bank so why not just take it off of him?

This match could either be done before or during WrestleMania. Having McIntyre win the briefcase makes it so much more intriguing during the WrestleMania card. He could finally have his WrestleMania moment in front of fans by stealing a world title away. Perhaps if Seth Rollins retains his championship, you have McIntyre cash in on him (especially if he’s still injured) and have him steal the World Heavyweight Championship. You could create a heist of the century 2.0 against the guy who did the first one. Or, you could do the heartbreak scenario. Have McIntyre cash in right after Cody Rhodes finally finishes his story by defeating Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal championship. It’s a happy story for Rhodes where he finally achieves his lifelong dream, but then it turns into an American Nightmare, just like last year. From there you start a great storyline of Rhodes trying to get his championship back and create a moment for WrestleMania that no one will forget. Dom was cooking with this suggestion and I’m really on board for this one happening.

The road to WrestleMania is always such a fun one to predict what may happen and get excited for what’s to come. It’s time for you to drive down the road to WrestleMania because we are in for a wild ride and here’s to hoping that this WrestleMania will be a great one!

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