The Road To WrestleMania Preview Pt.1

Are you ready for the road to WrestleMania? Well, so far it’s been a bit of a bumpy one. WWE had all these plans for WrestleMania with some big things in store but some of those plans have been derailed due to injuries. WWE has been going through a bit of an injury bug recently and it seems like every time they change their plans, those plans get changed because of more injuries. However, that doesn’t mean that we aren’t in for an exciting WrestleMania.

WrestleMania 40 is shaping up to be a big one as long as WWE plays their cards right and make decisions that don’t piss fans off because they tend to do that sometimes. But hey, it’s a different time…hopefully. The card for WrestleMania should be a good one assuming no more injuries occur and I think it would be fun if you and I talked about the potential matchups and what would be fun to expect.

Cody Rhodes vs Roman Reigns

Triple H I swear…please let Cody finish his story. If there is one thing that HAS to happen it’s Cody Rhodes finishing his story. Last year’s WrestleMania finish was one that no one was expecting. Everyone thought that Cody Rhodes was going to beat Roman Reigns for the undisputed Universal championship, but Triple H decided to make Roman Reigns retain the title. I was okay with that decision at the time because I thought it would help build the dominance of Reigns and make Rhodes beating him even better, but I have since changed my opinion on that. The main reason is that they didn’t do enough with those two characters to warrant Reigns retaining that night. Reigns has been absent for most of the time since he won that match and Rhodes has been in this weird place where he hasn’t been doing a ton of stuff to really build him up. They could’ve done a story where Rhodes has a downfall but then redeems himself and then wins but they didn’t do that. The way these two have had their years go has not justified Reigns winning at last year’s WrestleMania.

With that being said, LET CODY FINISH THE STORY! Rhodes has now won the Royal Rumble in back-to-back years, he’s the biggest babyface in the company, and it’s time for Reigns’ title reign to end (mostly because he’s never actually there). This should be a slam dunk decision and WWE should make this happen because if they don’t there will be some outraged WWE fans. If you haven’t seen an angry WWE fan before then trust me you don’t want to see that. It’s like when you get the Hulk angry, just don’t do it. Rhodes winning will be a great storyline and a feel-good moment so please just give him the moment.

The Whole Seth Rollins Thing

It seemed pretty obvious once CM Punk returned to WWE that he would be facing Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship. That match was in danger for a moment when Seth Rollins got injured in a match against Jinder Mahal two weeks before the Royal Rumble. But it seems like Rollins may be able to recover in time to be at WrestleMania so the match was still looking like a real possibility. And then CM Punk tore his tricep in the Royal Rumble match and will miss WrestleMania…Well, that’s just great. This has made things quite complicated for the plans for the card.

So now they’re in a position where they could go multiple avenues for the World Heavyweight Championship match. But to me, there is one matchup you could do that should be the one they guy with. That being Gunther vs Seth Rollins. This match was apparently the original plan for WrestleMania but was changed when CM Punk came back. So why not just run with this match then if it was the original plan? However, here is the one thing I’d pitch. Have Gunther squash Seth Rollins. Gunther has been a dominant force since getting to WWE and you could really build your next big villain with Gunther squashing Rollins. Gunther is great for that role and he is probably WWE’s best wrestler right now so I think this would be the time to give Gunther that major push. Plus, this could be a perfect move to do if Seth Rollins isn’t 100% by the time WrestleMania rolls around. You don’t want Rollins doing a bunch of crazy spots in the match and injuring himself even more. With a squash match, it’s quick and easy and then it will give an excuse for Rollins to be off of TV for a bit and fully recover from his knee injury and that back injury that seems to have been bothering him for a while. If WWE needs a new option for the world title match at WrestleMania then I think this is the best option.

Rhea Ripley vs Becky Lynch

At last year’s WrestleMania, Rhea Ripley vs Charlotte Flair was one of the best matches of the year and could’ve easily main evented the first night if it weren’t for the Sami Zayn & Kevin Owens vs The Usos match. There was no way that match wasn’t going to be the main event for that night but Rhea Ripley and Charlotte Flair put on a great match and proved they are main event caliber. For this year’s WrestleMania it seems as though the match that is being set up is Rhea Ripley vs Becky Lynch.

Lynch vs Ripley will be a great match and the two characters would work well against each other. Ripley being a dominant force going against Becky Lynch who has built herself up as this badass who isn’t afraid of anything would make for a good pairing. This match should main event night one and these two deserve that spotlight. I am confident these two will put up a good match and will get the fans out of their seats.

I do hope that WWE makes a good storyline out of this because stories have been lacking recently in the women’s division. Outside of the possible dissension of Damage Control, there haven’t really been many storylines going on in the women’s division. And overall, WWE’s women’s division was heavily criticized for being poorly booked by Triple H so this is their chance to turn things around and get people more invested. They have some great stars who they should continue to build up but no one has felt like they can compare to Ripley. Lynch definitely could be argued as someone who could but as of late, that hasn’t really been the case. So if they can find a way to make Becky Lynch look like a legit threat and get back to being the man then I think we could have something special for this match at WrestleMania.

There’s still some more matches I would like to talk about so perhaps we will have to do a part two to this article. But I hope this article makes you excited for WrestleMania because it’s going to be a fun time and I hope you join the road to WrestleMania.

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