This Japanese-Mexican restaurant is straight FIRE

Fusion restaurants have always been part of Vancouver for as long as I can remember, but this one is truly one of the best.

Hidden in this corner of Chinatown, this Japanese-Mexican restaurant is *chef kiss* – Up to this point, I’ve never been in a Japanese-Mexican restaurant before and all I can say for now is, if this was way closer to my house, this would be an everyday meal!

Miso Taco’s menu is simple, delightful, and of course, cheap. The food items have simple, to the point descriptions that’ll make you hungry just by reading it. I can’t even read it right now if I could lol. It’s like the kitchen decided to play a game of flavor Jenga, and every bite is a winning move.

Entering Miso Taco, I already got the feeling that tonight is going to be a good night. Like a mix of neon lights, with an arcade machine, and televisions showing old anime from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. I certainly felt childhood back when I saw Cardcaptor Sakura, Yu Yu Hakusho, and early seasons of Naruto. Yes I am old. But nonetheless, it felt like a great party and we’re all invited.

It’s not just the vibes entering in was great, but of course the food. (Warning: if you’re hungry while reading this article, I suggest you come back when you’re full)

You’ve been warned. The food was Subarashī! A Toda Madre! The presentation’s amazing. The food is all beautifully prepared. Heck, I can’t even describe this well without getting hungry myself. I mean how do food bloggers do this every day!? I got myself the Birria-Dillia with Instant Ramen on the side. It was all filling, from what I can see is that all the ingredients were fresh, and I believe they were made with love, and I love that.

All in all, it was a great place to hang out with good food, good friends, and have a good time. In case you want to check it for yourself, it’s at 219 Union St, Vancouver, BC V6A 4C3. It’s a bit of a walk from the nearest bus stop, but it’s all worth it.

Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu. Muchas gracias.

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