How Could We Make Local Music Easier To Find?

Vancouver’s local music scene is phenomenal. There’s a ton of great music from a wide range of artists and a wide range of genres. There’s something for everyone to listen to and enjoy regardless of your music taste. But there is an issue that arises. Sometimes it can be hard to find local artists because there is no central place where you can find them. You really have to go out of your way to discover local artists and even then it may be hard to find the ones that you want to find.

So could there be an easier way to find local artists? I think there could be and there could be many different ways of doing that. I feel as though there are some tools that could be used to help people find local music artists and give more of a spotlight to them as well. The only thing is that the tools we have may not be utilized as effectively as they could be.

Recently, I wrote an article talking about whether Spotify can help people find music artists in B.C. Overall I found that it can but not as effectively as you’d hope. I found that playlists can be a nice way to help people find local music artists but they need to be easier to find on Spotify’s dashboard. What I think they could do is feature playlists with local artists that don’t have millions of streams and then feature that somewhere in their dashboard. It helps out local music artists and helps create more streams for the platform too.

Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

The other thing that I think could be interesting to help people find local music artists is if there were a website created to help people find local music artists in Vancouver. This website could be dedicated to the local music scene here and showcase music artists by genre and give spotlights to people every week or something like that. This may be an easier thing said than done because you would need people to run the website and need backing to do so, but if you could get a record label or something like that to get on board then I think this could be very useful for helping people find local music artists.

Overall, I think there could be a lot more done to help people find new music artists in Vancouver. We have the tools to do so, we just need to actually use them.

We have a ton of talented music artists here and they deserve to be showcased!

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