What Should The Canucks Intro Song Be?

When you go to a sports game, the music can influence the way you feel during the experience. One of the things that I am always interested to hear is what sports teams use for their intro song when the team walks out onto the ice/court/field. There are a number of teams that do a pretty good job of getting the crowd hyped before the start of a game. I’ve always thought the Toronto Raptors have done a good job of this because they have cool visuals and exciting music playing.

One team that could use some improvement with their intro could be the Vancouver Canucks. The Canucks don’t have that great of an intro song currently, so much so to the point that when I went to a game early this year, I didn’t even notice what song they used because it was that boring. So here are a few suggestions I have for the Canucks to use for their intro song.

Something my friend Sean suggested was for the Canucks to use Moonchild by Iron Maiden. It has the most hype intro you will ever hear. It has a very synthy intro and would sound great as an intro for a Canucks game. It would get the crowd excited and everyone would feel a ton of energy going into a game.

Another song I think could be fun is a song that the Canucks very shortly used for their goal song and that is Burn It To The Ground by Nickelback. Yes, I know not everyone loves Nickelback, but I think that this could be a fun song to use for an intro to get the crowd excited for a game. It has high energy and can give the crowd a bit of energy.

The last thing I’d like to suggest is something I suggested in a previous article and that is Enter Sandman by Metallica. It is used by some other sports teams for the intro but there is a reason for that. It’s a great intro song that works so well because it builds up in a great way that gets the crowd going. It’s a song that isn’t being used in the NHL as an intro song to my knowledge at least, but I think it would be great if the Canucks used it for their intro song.

There are a ton of options for intro songs for the Canucks to use so I feel like they should use a better one than they currently have. Canucks games should be fun and exciting to go and the music is a huge part of that.

So hopefully, the next time you go to a Canucks game, the intro song is a lot better than it currently is.

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