Are Expensive Concerts In Vancouver Worth It?

There have been some big names who have come to Vancouver recently and we do have some people who are going to come here who are big names. People like Drake, Taylor Swift, and the Rolling Stones are the first few names that come to mind. And there are many others that could be added to that list as well. But you know what’s crazy about those concerts? The price for tickets. It seems like ticket prices continue to get more expensive as time goes on. If you want to go to the Taylor Swift concert next year then the minimum you would have to pay is $1000. That’s a lot to pay for a one-night experience.


But is that experience worth the price? I guess that’s subjective because for some people they will pay any amount of money to go see their favourite artist play live. And there’s a scarcity factor to it all because you may never get to experience a concert like that ever again in your life or you may never get the chance to see that artist play live again. So I can understand how some people can justify spending a ton of money to go see their favourite music artists in concert, but maybe this is taking advantage of an audience too much.

Right now, a lot of people are dealing with tough times financially since we are in a recession, but it seems like the prices for everything are going higher and higher. And it’s not like concert tickets are going to get any cheaper even though many people can’t afford them. The one thing that’s frustrating with all of this is that these artists don’t need to be charging this much for tickets, they’re just doing it because they know people will buy tickets regardless of the price. Artists can get by more than fine if they sell tickets for like $300 at most but they choose not to.

You could argue that people are choosing to buy these tickets on their own accord so why should you care what people do with their money? And I agree with you on that. But the problem with that is you are making these concerts only accessible to a crowd with a lot of money and you then isolate your audience that can’t afford those kinds of things. To me, it’s a bit unfair when the only reason tickets are that expensive is because the artists/record labels choose the price because they know how much of a desire there is for those tickets.

Maybe you feel differently about this than I do and that’s totally fine, but this is just my opinion on this matter. If you want to spend all that money on a Taylor Swift concert then go ahead and do it. I just hope you stay safe because Swifties don’t mess around.

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