Who Are B.C’s Biggest Music Artists?

You’ve probably heard of a number of big artists who are from Vancouver or somewhere in B.C. I mean there’s so many talented ones that it’s hard not to find something you like from someone who is from the area. And some of them are insanely big as well. But something I’ve been wondering lately is who are the biggest names to come from B.C who have made it big in the music industry. I’m not talking about who is just doing the biggest numbers on Spotify; I’m talking about who I think is the biggest based on the impact they’ve made and how well they are doing today. There’s various different things that will go into this but I will explain as we go along. So here is who I think the top three biggest artists (in no particular order) from B.C are.

Well, it’s almost Christmas so you know I have to talk about Michael Bublé. Now, is Bublé one of the biggest artists out there? He’s probably not too high on the list, but he for sure is in the top tier in terms of people who listen to him. And when it’s Christmas time, those numbers skyrocket. When you have songs that are played every year at Christmas, then you are bound to do some crazy numbers. It’s similar to how Mariah Carry just dominates the music charts during Christmas time and Michael Bublé has that same effect. So for that reason, I feel like Micahel Bublé has to be here because Christmas is a pretty nice time for him.

The second one you may think shouldn’t count but this is my list and not yours so we’re counting it. The band I’m talking about is Nickelback. I know they’re from Alberta technically but the band is based out of B.C. Whether you love them or hate them, you can’t deny that they are a huge band that gets people talking. They have some really big songs and have had quite an impact on the music industry. You can’t deny the success of Nickelback and come on, they have some good songs, right?

The last person who needs to be mentioned is Carly Rae Jepsen. Jepsen is a pop artist who has really taken over the genre and changed the genre as well. She’s had some really good albums, and although she may not have the biggest streaming numbers (although Call Me Maybe is an extremely big song) she has a pretty big impact on how she has changed the way people make music in the genre. She’s not afraid to try new things and experiment and she is doing incredibly well right now. Perhaps I should write about her a bit more. Stay tuned.

So B.C has some great artists and some really big ones as well that you should maybe check out a bit more. These three suggestions would be a good place to start but I definitely recommend finding other artists as well.

The music scene in B.C is in a really good place right now and you should enjoy it as much as you can.

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