The Best Christmas Songs You’ll Hear At Stores

Well that last article I wrote about the worst Christmas songs at stores in Vancouver was pretty negative, wasn’t it? Well, why don’t we change things around and talk about the best Christmas songs you’ll hear at stores in Vancouver? Look, I get that the songs that play in stores are super overplayed but there are some that you can’t help but admit that some of these songs are great. Trust me they’re good, so here’s what I think are three great Christmas songs you’ll hear at stores in Vancouver.

There’s one Christmas song that I never get sick of when it plays every year. That song is Last Christmas by Wham! Is this song overplayed? Absolutely! You will hear this song being played everywhere and you can’t escape it no matter how hard you try. But to me, it’s a song I don’t really get sick of because it’s pretty well written and it’s pretty catchy to listen to. The one thing I will say about this song is that people need to understand what it’s actually about. It’s not about a happy relationship, it’s a breakup song. If you pay closer attention to the lyrics, it’s pretty obvious. Gosh, I sound like such a hipster right now.

Another song that I think is pretty good is White Christmas. There are various different versions of this song but this is one of those songs I actually enjoy. It’s overplayed for sure, much like every song that will be on this list, but it’s one of those songs that I just enjoy listening to. It makes me feel good and the lyrics aren’t too bad for the most part. It’s just one of those songs that gets me in the Christmas mood and I don’t mind listening to it when it comes on.

The last one I want to mention is more so an entire artist that you will hear playing at stores all around B.C and that is Frank Sinatra. If I really had to pick a song then I’d probably go with Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas because it’s a fun little song with some phenomenal vocals from Sinatra. Any Christmas song by Frank Sinatra is great to me because his voice is incredible and his songs just have a very classy feel.

So there are definitely some good Christmas songs among the really annoying ones you’ll constantly hear. So trust me on this one, you will enjoy these songs. But even if you don’t I just hope you have a merry little Christmas.

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