The Canucks Could Use Some Better Music

Vancouver Canucks games are so much fun to go to. It’s always great to high-five a bunch of strangers who are drunk out of their minds after every goal the Canucks score. It’s just a time of pure joy and creates a bonding moment with your loved ones as you’re just all there to enjoy something and relax (well hopefully at least since this is the Canucks we are talking about.

But something that can sometimes dictate the experience is the music being played. The music can really create a mood or a feeling and determine how you will feel during a game. But the only problem is that Canucks games don’t exactly have the best music during their games. There’s been a lot of complaints from fans that the music that’s being played during the games is very lackluster and that the DJ could play some better songs.

This has been a problem for the Canucks for a few years now. The funny thing is that it wasn’t always like this. I remember when I went to my first Canucks game in 2015 and the music then was spectacular. But the games I’ve been to since have been kind of boring. So here are some suggestions I have for the Canucks to make their music more lively.

The first thing we need to talk about is the intro song. I’ve already discussed how the Canucks could change their goal song to something better, but we’ll leave that topic out of this debate, so if you want to know more about that then you can check out that article. As for the intro song, they need to play a song that gets the crowd going more. Their current song is just boring and not that interesting. What I would like to see is something similar to what Virginia Tech does for their football games with Enter Sandman by Metallica. This song just gets the crowd going and gives them something to get excited about before the game.

The music during the game could be better as well. The music tends to be the same songs over and over again and I feel like they could be adding more exciting songs to their log. I would love to hear more songs from Slipknot or some more Rage Against the Machine or something like that. There’s a lot of EDM songs, pop songs and stuff like that that gets played, which is fine to play, but it feels like there’s too many of those songs and not enough songs that will get the crowd excited.

Canucks games are so fun to go to so they should be as fun as possible. So let’s do a little bit better with the music then. We should be more excited during the games and want to run through a wall when watching this team. And now that they’re doing well, it’s the best time to improve the music at the games.

There hasn’t been much to be excited about with the Canucks in past years so when you go to a game now, you should be amped!

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