The Most Iconic Vehicles of All-Frickin’-Time (in my personal opinion)

Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

Dude, where’s my car?

It’s an iconic movie that I have never seen, but someone told me to write it in as a very clever way to relate to the theme of this article. What is the theme exactly?

Iconic vehicles in the media. 

A unique mode of transportation can offer you a crutch to the story, the characters, or even the world of a piece of media. Whether the character owns the vehicle or is working against it, the most iconic vehicles can sometimes be the most famous part of the franchise or work. Movies, video games, books, anime; any type of media qualifies for this extremely broad list of nerdy possibilities, and a bunch of members helped me curate a list of the most iconic vehicles in history.

It was a fun 20 minutes of discussing, boiling 50 vehicles down to 20. The eliminations came down through a criteria of notoriety and fame, and in the end, 5 vehicles had made the cut.

What are they? You take a look:


Robert Linder on Unsplash

Of course, Batman’s most used mode of transportation other than his cape had to be on the Top 5. Everyone knows the Batmobile, and every generation had at least one Bat-centered vehicle to check out. From the most recent Batmobile that Robert Pattinson drives, the Tumbler from the Nolan era, the sleek Burton 80s Beetlejuice-like car, or the 1960s convertible of Adam West, the Batmobile was a no-brainer for the Top 5.



Martynas Lingė from Unsplash

Where we’re going… we don’t need roads!

Back to the Future, despite not having a movie since the 90s, is one of Hollywood’s most enduring franchises, and it’s due in no part because of the DeLorean Time Machine, modeled after… a DeLorean. Funnily enough, this iconic car wasn’t much of a best-seller, let alone a good car, but the DeLorean’a iconic butterfly doors and sleek retro design was always going to prove timeless. I wonder if I ever ride one, going 88 mph would take me back in time…


Ecto-1 (Ghostbusters)

The ghost-busting Cadillac made it to the list, and why wouldn’t it? Especially with its iconic siren and gadgets, Ecto-1 is a prevailing symbol of the Ghostbusters, as much as their iconic logo. With the new sequel coming out next year, the Ecto-1’s famed status in pop culture isn’t fading away anytime soon.


Optimus Prime

We didn’t limit ourselves with stationary vehicles. Let’s face it, Optimus Prime is undeniably one of the most important vehicles of all time, maybe even the most iconic sentient vehicle. Yes, he’s a character, but technically the Batmobile is a character because of a preschool show called Batwheels that released last year, so anything goes. Also, he’s appeared in Fortnite. That’s like, the endgame of fame. Once you reach Fortnite, you’ve made it.


Pipe Frame (Mario Kart)

Any Mario Kart… cart is instantly iconic, but in terms of the many karts that have appeared, one hasn’t had the longevity of the elusive Pipe Frame. Since the first game on the SNES in the 1990s, the Pipe Frame has been an enduring symbol of the racing franchise, appearing in subsequent games. And let’s face it, you probably never met anyone who hasn’t played Mario Kart. If you did, you are straight lying.


Honourable Bus Mentions: 

A lot of the selections my group and I had about this topic involved buses. I’d like to quickly give them some love because although they didn’t make it, they’re still deserving of some spotlight.


Fortnite’s Battle Bus is a recent addition to the list of iconic vehicles, but it’s a zeitgeist for the new generation. Everyone says, “Hop on the Battle Bus!” and has appeared in other places like Rocket League and The Wreck-It-Ralph Sequel That Does Not Exist. Certainly, the Battle Bus is recent, but it has cemented itself among legends like Lightning McQueen and Dom Toretto’s Charger.


The Bus from Speed. That’s it, that’s the description. 


Oh, and of course The Magic School Bus! It may be the most overpowered vehicle of all time, as not only can it transform into basically anything and change sizes, but it’s loved internationally thanks to its amazing TV show. Even during that weird Netflix reboot, the Magic School Bus offered a wild ride for the imaginations of children everywhere.


In conclusion, vehicles in the media are an often overlooked aspect of a franchise. Sometimes, they can be the most famous part or its most recognizable. So, give it up for these unsung heroes who helped our heroes get from point A to point B, and ultimately save the world!

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