Grand Theft Auto… Oh, how I missed you…

João Ferrão on Unsplash

What is the longest you have waited for a sequel?

Rockstar Games is a gaming studio you may have heard of from time to time. Controversial but extremely well-regarded in not just gaming, but in the entertainment industry as well, they are known for their Red Dead series, Midnight Club, and Bully. However, let’s face it, you know Rockstar for one game series in particular, a big juggernaut that just the slight mention of the name makes soccer moms across the globe shiver in fear.

Grand Theft Auto, also known as GTA.

And as of the release of this article, Rockstar has announced that the first ever trailer for the next GTA game will come out in early December. HOLY COW, YES! I’VE WAITED SO LONG, ROCKSTAR!


Can you believe it’s been a decade since the release of GTA 5? That’s right,10 years of this controversial masterpiece of a game, a game I have very fond memories of. It was the first ever M-rated game that I ever owned, and booting that game up on the Xbox 360 was… Oh wait, I need to add the first disc in to install the data. Okay, right after that, the moment it began I was instantly sucked into this crazy not-too-far off recreation of LA, rolling around hills with a sports card pulling off dangerous heists, and being a general nuisance to the local virtual police department. And yes, I used the cheat codes too (Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start for the clutch)!

Sure, you may rag on GTA for its gratuitous violence, absurdly offensive satire, and its general notoriety, but GTA is a series that has imprinted itself on society so greatly, that seeing it finally return after a long period of time feels almost cathartic, especially for me. For billions of people, and the executives up top, GTA is a series that ironically brings people together, to have a good laugh, to rob the rich, and to just have fun. Shouldn’t all games just be fun to play?

So, to Rockstar, I’ll be awaiting that GTA trailer next month. Please do not screw this one up.

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