Just Plane Crazy

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Do you hate flying?

This year saw myself and my family doing some serious traveling, hopping from London to Tokyo and even the Philippines. But you know what? The worst part of this was?

The plane.

Sure, planes are statistically safer than other modes of transport, but here’s the thing: there’s that ominous 2% chance the plane might decide to… let’s just say… crash and burn. 

That makes me SCARED. Like, I do NOT want to miss out on the next season of Laid-Back Camp. I mean, priorities, right?

Now, picture this: influencers lounging in first class, living their best lives, sipping on champagne at 40,000 feet, with no intention of touching the ground anytime soon. And then there’s me, wedged in economy, contemplating the meaning of life every time the plane hits a patch of turbulence. Movie? Ha! That’s not distracting me from the fact that the metal flying cylinder is stuck 30,000 feet in the air.

Honestly, hats off to those frequent flyers because they’ve got abs of steel. Forget daredevils; it’s the folks who navigate the skies regularly that deserve a round of applause.

Maybe offer a support group for the nervous flyers like myself and probably you. It’s a genuine concern for those of us who are convinced turbulence is a reminder that physics isn’t one to be messed with.

Oh, and can we talk about airplane food? Seriously, what’s the deal there? You know it, I know it.


It’s not just the destination that’s an adventure, but the turbulent journey there, and frankly, if it gets me to Asia, then so be it.

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