
Do you ever considered what font to use in an article?


We encounter them every day, from scrolling through websites to reading that funky menu at the local cafe. But let’s be real, most of us are just cruising through the font universe without a clue about what’s really going on.

Have you ever stopped to think about why that meme hits differently or why your resume looks like it’s from the ’90s? 

The unsung heroes of visual communication, FONTS. 

You probably think it’s just a bunch of nothing stuff that only graphic designers care about. But, they can seriously change the vibe. It’s the difference between a classic book and a sleek, modern website.

Now, don’t get me started on the plethora of fonts out there. Helvetica, Comic Sans, Times New Roman . But let’s be real, not all fonts are created equal. Comic Sans flat out stinks, especially in an environment like an office or the Evolution website (shameless plug). 

But here’s the kicker: most of us are just winging it. Choosing a font can be like picking an outfit.  So, next time you’re typing up that document or creating your masterpiece PowerPoint, take a moment to appreciate the fonts. Maybe Comic Sans has its place (probably in a stupid anime meme), and Helvetica is there for the clean, minimalist look. It’s a fontastic world out there, and it’s time we all started navigating it with a bit more laid-back font wisdom.

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