Disneyland Tips from an infrequent Disneyland Guest

Have you ever planned for a trip to Disneyland?

If you say yes, then you’re one of the millions of people who absolutely love making itineraries. Who doesn’t love a good itinerary? It offers you a great plan to maximize the amount of time to roam around in an expensive place, and Disneyland is no exception.

…Which is why I am the last person to talk about making the itinerary for Disneyland. Even though I’ve been there four times already, at least two out of the four of those times were without an itinerary. 

(WOW, I’m saying the itinerary a lot, am I…)

So, what do I give to the table that is different from other Disneyland tip givers? Nothing much really, other than the fact that a lot of itinerary planners for Disneyland are way too invested in making a perfect day, and the fact that a lot of them are Disney adults, which you shouldn’t trust.

So, quiet up and listen down, because here are some tips to make Disneyland less of a depressing corporate hellhole and more of a fun corporate hellhole. Oh, I also will be excluding California Adventure for this one just because.

Know what rides you wanna ride.

Let’s face it you’re gonna miss out on some of the rides in the park, but also they’re gonna be some rides for you just don’t want to go on. Do you want to go to Autopia over Splash Mountain (RIP)?

No, you don’t.

Just know what rides you wanna ride and you know you’ll enjoy it, so that way if you want to, you can ride that ride constantly and have as much enjoyment as a father who ate too many churros.

Single Riders are not just for sad single people

This one especially works if you’re alone at the park. Single rider lines are kind of overpowered. Especially if there’s an excess of guests in the single rider line, get priority to board the ride faster. Of course it’s not gonna be super, super fast but it’s a lot faster than lining up in the regular line.

Go with the flow

Honestly, the best way to enjoy Disneyland is just by going with the flow. Take in all the sites and slow yourself down, walk across Main Street, maybe take a look at some of the stores and the expensive offerings. One of the most underrated aspects of Disneyland is just how beautiful the park is. A lot of people tend to ignore that because I just want to get on the rides quickly but slowing down and taking appreciation for what Walt Disney built is just as gratifying as riding the Indiana Jones ride for the 50th time.

Don’t eat at Pizza Planet

Just don’t.

As someone who’s been to Disneyland four times, these tips are 100% fool proof and can guarantee you the best time at the happiest place on Earth. Oh, and please do NOT eat at Pizza Planet. You’re just better off without that place. Get a Dole Whip instea

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