Propellers in Stanley Park?!

DR-7Wellness on Pexels

Hikers at Stanley Park have been running into something unusual recently. 

For some reason, blue propellers have been popping up around the famous park, with two spots being the underside of the Burrard Bridge and a random tree stump. And due to the unusual nature, people online have been clamoring for answers. I mean, who wouldn’t? On the r/AskVancouver Reddit community, netizens have been discussing what the propellers could mean. Raccoons? Movie advertisement? Wind turbines? Mayor Kim’s guerilla re-election campaign? Sensors that are secretly tracking people’s movements the moment you see it? 

Even the Vancouver Parks Board is confused about it. With regards to the unusual propellers popping up everywhere, they said that they are, “unable to identify what they are or why they have been installed.” The Board is looking into who or what put them there.

In my opinion, everyone’s guesses to what the reasoning to these propellers is reasonable but completely off. Why, you ask? Well, I believe there is only one thing to explain the curiousities:

Link is here.

That’s right, Link from the Legend of Zelda. He’s here in Vancouver.

Have you played the recent game, Tears of the Kingdom? Well, in it, one main mechanic is that you could build anything out of… well, anything. You can build cars, robots, and even flying machines with propellers! You may see where I’m going with this, but I believe the reason for the propellers being everywhere is because Link has been building random flying machines around Vancouver and is discarding the parts around. He’s on the run somewhere, and we need to bring him to justice.

Or it could just be another art project. Who knows?

If anything, it’s making people curious about the world around them, which is a plus. Gets off our screens, you know?

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