Canada Place is BORING on New Year’s. What now?

This is not happening… again. (proonsite on Pexels)

No Boom Boom? Yes, you. No Boom Boom.

Once again, the City of Vancouver has announced that the New Year’s fireworks show has been canceled… I mean, what did you expect? Vancouver hates fireworks. Remember Canada Day for the last couple of years? At least in Canada Place, if it goes boom, it is instantly doom…ed. But, that place is such a lucrative area to have an event. Thousands of locals and tourists resting close to the water, plus thousands more on top of cruise ships, a visually stunning event can bring notoriety and cash to the city.

So, instead of fireworks, what can we put there? Well, I have a couple ideas…



Actually, we were going to have a drone show over Canada Place. It was going to happen during the Christmas season last year in an event sponsored by Best Buy. Unfortunately, due to last minute “technical difficulties”, the event was outright canceled. Take note because they never canceled it because of some unforeseen circumstance or bylaw. Rather, just  simple technical difficulties. A New Year’s drone show would be an amazing alternative to the usual fireworks display. It won’t be too loud for neighbors and it offers the glitz and glamor of light that fireworks offer! Besides, who wouldn’t like seeing giant glass champagne glasses over the water? It would make some people question their reality, that’s for sure.



During Canada Day earlier this year, a notable event took place at False Creek. The Famous False Creek Ferries and Aquabuses took part in a synchronized dance routine that spanned the creek. They spun around and went in circles, dancing along to classical music as onlookers watched. From the Granville Street Bridge and wrapping around the creek, the crowd watched and danced along as the boats floated around like majestic ducks. It was so popular that news spread around the world, even down under in Australia! Doing something similar would certainly get people talking, and would be an amazing way to ring in the new year. And who doesn’t love boats?



The city should just bring back fireworks. I’m running out of ideas.


We truly are NO FUN CITY thanks to this recent development. But, if we at least had a meaningful New Year’s show in the Inlet, I think it would make people very excited for the future. If Mayor Sim is reading this, please take note.

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