Three surprisingly GOOD coffee drinks (from a non-coffee drinker!)

Good morning coffee lovers! Non-coffee drinker here, but today’s the day I feel ready to share my coffee preferences with you.

Remember, this is coming from a NON-coffee drinker. Why am I not a coffee drinker? I don’t know to be honest… I think it’s a mix of just not feeling like I need it in the morning (but I have a feeling that day will come sooner than later), and not liking the “natural” taste of coffee (whatever that might mean – speaking here to the big coffee drinkers out there).

The last few years I’ve started discovering some actually good coffee drinks! My first of three “drinks of choice” would have to be a nice mocha. You might know it as a caffe mocha, and this chocolate-flavoured beverage ranks up there because of my favourite hot beverage – hot chocolate.

Pixabay / Fancycrave1

I think my liking for this drink started when I ordered my first ever beverage of any kind from Starbucks – a Mocha Frappuccino. I’m not sure why I chose it as my first ever drink, but it’s still my most “go-to” drink at Starbucks even today, regardless of it’s a warm sunny day or even on a rainy day, it’s basically the drink I find myself wanting when I need some caffeine.

Now, my second caffeinated beverage is a new-discovery. I only discovered this drink in mid-2022, and that is the French Vanilla. Shoutout here to my fellow second-year BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment classmates, because they were the ones that put me on this splendid drink.

Pixabay / Engin_Akyurt

I just kept hearing them saying “did you get your french vanilly”, “is it time for a french vanilly” or “hey have you had your daily french vanilla”. Finally, my interest peaked, and a tried it out and WOW are they ever good! Give it a try if you haven’t yet, you’ll quickly get addicted to them.

Finally, whether you’re a coffee drinker or not – my final caffeinated beverage is a favourite and an absolute classic for many – the Tim Hortons’ Iced Capp. Not much needs to be said about this drink, it’s simply hits the spot every time. Who knew that a blended iced coffee could be this good?

Pexels / Saliha Sevim

There you have it, how did I do coffee enjoyers? Do I have some good choices? By all means, I’m open to trying more drinks on my journey of “coffee discovery”, so let me know if there’s a drink I need to try asap!

Mochas, French Vanillas and Iced Capps: MY trio of good coffee drinks from a non-coffee drinker!


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