A.I. is almost starting to creep me out.

I was just scrolling on Twitter/X/Whatever Elon wants to call it these days, and because I moved from the Philippines, I got a lot of Trending Topics there and I found out about one network’s way of trying to become hip and trendy.

This is Maia and Marco. GMA Network’s 3D Human Avatar Artificial Intelligence. The company said the AI would join the human reporters (I can’t believe I have to specify ‘human’ in reporter) 4 times a month, on digital platforms, but never on TV.

Because of this, I started looking around the world to see if other news media outlets are using AI news reporters and yes they are:

Not to put my tin foil cap on, but I’m starting to overthink how AI is really taking over the world. From media to medical, and engineering.

It’s all good and all, but picture this: many years ago, people were getting worried that industrial machines were taking over people’s jobs, but we learned how to use and maintain those machines and everything went great. This time around is about digital machines that are taking over people’s jobs, and not just people’s jobs but almost their identities as well. Like, how would you feel if there’s a digital doppelganger of you on the internet, that acts the way you do, speaks the way you do, and with the cadence that you have? Just felt the chills.

Let’s face it: I know it, you know it, everyone knows it that in this age, we’re still struggling with our identities, of who we really are, and what purpose we have here on this planet, and now there’s this incoming technology that can essentially CTRL+C CTRL+V you digitally (CMD+C CMD+V for those on the Mac, gotta include everyone here. No time for PC vs Mac fights, it’s 2023. Let’s move on from that.)

All I’m saying is that if you work in any industry, whether it’s advertising for clients, or advertising by dressing up as a mascot, we gotta learn how to use this new tool like how to get on a train that’s already moving. You can either jump on board, learn the ins and outs, and enjoy the ride, or watch it speed away, leaving you stuck at the station.

And the worst feeling anyone could have is to be stuck.

So let’s learn how to use this tool before the tool uses us. I mean, I’m already using ChatGPT to write this very article. Or am I? *wink*

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