The Little Things in Life

The little things in life… aren’t those the things that everyone misses in the end? I feel like, in general, people try to fill their lives with the most extravagant things, whether that’s with expensive purchases or big fancy vacations and unique experiences. 

I find that people sometimes can’t wait to get a day over and done with. They live for the weekends, letting every day, especially if it’s a busy day, just pass by. When someone suddenly isn’t in your daily life anymore, it’s the daily habits and occurrences that people tend to end up missing. Of course, amazing memories are great to look back on, but it’s extremely important to live your life appreciating and acknowledging the little things, too. 

When you suddenly don’t have someone’s presence, it feels like there’s an irreplaceable hole in your life. It takes a lot to get accustomed to- and the healing process can be one of the hardest things someone can go through. Every little thing seems to remind you of them- from the greeting you always got in the mornings to the places you’d visit together every day. As the seasons change, little routines and habits you’d do together like raking leaves or smelling the blooming roses seem unbearable to consider doing without them.

People tend to live their lives letting the day to day just pass by without a second thought- until it’s gone. Being grateful for the small things reminds you how fortunate you truly are, in all aspects of life. 

It can take years to heal and stop missing the little things, and the longer it takes to heal, the more likely it was that you didn’t appreciate things while they were around. Life is never easy, it always has its disadvantages. However, there’s always positives, no matter how small or how bad the day. 

The bigger things in life are important too- they create memories and experiences that make you who you are. Especially vacations abroad; they create a more cultured and experienced person. Those are valuable days and memories that you can look back on for the rest of your life.

Overall, do your best to try not to take a day for granted. Whether that’s with the people you’re around or the things that you do, every moment makes your life what it is. That’s what’s so great about the little things- they’re those familiar daily things that make life, well… life!

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