Hot coffee v. iced coffee

Are you a coffee drinker? There is probably a decent chance that you are, and if you’re a BCIT student, then I’m going to go ahead and assume that you DEFINITELY are. To a dangerous degree. Seriously, you can only go to Tim Hortons so many times. I’m just messing around because I am one of the avid coffee drinkers, of course. My addiction actually fueled my drive to write this article. Thanks, caffeine!

The fundamental question is: hot coffee or iced coffee? There are pros and cons to both, so let’s take a journey into the wonderful world of this highly-caffeinated beverage.

First things first, I know that a lot of young people my age aren’t even drinking coffee anymore, thanks to the likes of Starbucks and their pseudo-coffees. I’m going to choose to disregard this fact and assume that all you young people are just drinking COFFEE. So, with this newly-established fact, what kind of coffee will the young person go for?

If I had more time I would have loved to do a survey to get real, hard-hitting results for this article, but alas, I did not do such a thing. Iced coffee has been having a moment with the youngsters for the past few years now. I feel like I always see younger people with iced coffee, and older folks with a mug of hot black coffee or something. I personally enjoy BOTH drinks, and feel as though they have their specific times and places for optimal consumption. Hot day? Cold drink. Cold day? Hot drink. Simple.


That being said, I do have a preference for warm drinks…so I guess that’s where the pendulum swings for me. Even if it’s a warm day, NOTHING beats a hot coffee. It just feels good to drink a hot liquid like that. Warms up my soul. Also, drinking warm or hot liquids has health benefits and stuff! So, if anything, I’m being healthy by drinking my warm beverages. Iced coffee has its merits though, of course. Number one, STRAW. I love drinking out of a straw, that’s one of the best sensory experiences out there. Number two, COLD. The drink sure can cool you down! The only thing that’s a bit iffy with iced coffee is that without sugar syrups, your latte is mostly likely NOT going to be that sweet. Not a problem for us TRUE coffee enjoyers, who don’t mind a bit of bitterness. 


I am curious, since I didn’t get to do my survey–are you team Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee?

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