Heatwave blues

Not sure if you’ve noticed, but it’s been unseasonably hot outside this past week. No rain, no clouds, barely even a breeze. Just CONSTANT SUN, and temperatures in the high 20s throughout the entire day, sometimes even at night. Now, an interesting fact about me is that I am actually from California. Well, sort of. It’s a long story…but basically, I lived there for ten years, so I’ve experienced my fair share of hot temperatures. You would think that this would have prepared me for a few days of slightly-warmer-than-average temperatures, but apparently not. In California, I lived in a house that had air conditioning, went to a school with air conditioning, and worked at a job that did NOT have any air conditioning, but DID have many separate fans blowing on us at once. I feel like I never truly experienced real, untampered HEAT before.


I live on campus here at BCIT, which is really nice, but the buildings are pretty old (walls are filled with asbestos), and there is basically no functioning insulation. So, when it gets really cold out, my room turns into a walk-in freezer, and when it gets really hot out…my room basically catches on fire. It turns into an unimaginably warm, suffocating enclosure in which I am the only captive. Sleeping is a complete nightmare. My experience during the heatwave so far has been camping out in the overly-air conditioned broadcasting building during the day, and going on long, aimless walks at night to procrastinate actually going to sleep. I was considering buying a cheap fan, but since I am moving out in about a week, I didn’t really see a point, since I’d just have to find a way to pack it with all my other stuff. I’ve been doing my best to spend as much time as I can out of the house, and I’ve also been drinking obscene amounts of water. I already drink a decent amount of water on a regular day, but when it’s really hot out, I go crazy.


As much as I’ve been complaining, I do appreciate the heat. I was getting kind of tired of being constantly cold, wet, and just in a general state of misery anytime I had to leave the house. It feels so weird to be able to just go outside in shorts and a t-shirt, without having to bring a jacket or get all bundled up.

So how have you been coping with the heat? If you live somewhere that actually has air conditioning, I am furiously jealous of you.

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