Matching songs from Evolution with Vancouver wrestlers

I’m a big music fan and an even bigger wrestling fan. So naturally, I’ve always had a bit of an obsession with wrestling theme songs.

It can’t be understated how important a good theme song is for a wrestler. It’s what the fans know you by. It’s part of a wrestler’s persona.

A good or bad theme song can make or break a wrestler’s career. I got to thinking about the local wrestling scene and the music we play here on Evolution, and it gave me an idea.

Inspired by Nicole Matthews, who uses The Interrupters’ “She’s Kerosene” as her theme song, here are some songs from Evolution that would be a good fit for some local wrestlers:

Anyway Gang – “Reckless Reckless” (Bambi Hall)

This song is a jam. It always gets my head bobbing and my foot tapping. It’s the perfect kind of energy for a fiery babyface. As soon as it starts, it’s high energy with a recognizable opening rift. It fits Bambi because, well, she is reckless. The crowd would instantly know who it is and once they were familiarized with the song, they would sing along.

 Alexisonfire – Conditional Love (Artemis Spencer)

This one starts off fast. It’s frantic, and that makes it perfect for Artemis Spencer. If I could describe Artemis with one word, it would be metal. He storms down to the ring and pumps the crowd up, and this song is the perfect tempo for his schtick. Plus, it’s also a banger. So that helps.

Royal Blood – Who Needs Friends (Evan Rivers)

Coming off a heel turn at the last Nation Extreme Wrestling show, Evan Rivers has embraced his dark side. His current theme song, “All of the Lights,” just won’t fit his new persona. This one is darker but also has a catchy riff that would be recognizable. As has been said, you can either make money in wrestling, or you can make friends. Evan Rivers has made his choice. Who needs friends anyway?

Foo Fighters – Cloudspotter (Re:Loaded)

I wanted to choose a high-flyer for this one, as they tend to spend their matches flying up in the clouds. Then it dawned on me. The tag team of Jacky Lee and Shareef Morrow (Re:Loaded) fly higher than any wrestlers in the Vancouver circuit. The energy of this song fits their entrance. Plus, when Re:Loaded wrestle, they “burn the night down like a house on fire.” It’s a perfect match!

What do you think of my list? Do these songs fit, or do you have any other recommendations?

Whether you agree with it or not, there’s no denying how important a theme song is to a wrestler’s character, and I think these songs would provide a nice boost.

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