These three movies are unskippable!

I like watching movies, but I love movies that greatly relate to me. And I love watching them again… And again. And again.

I have watched a lot of movies that greatly relate to me but there’s something about these three movies that I can’t stop watching. Maybe I watched them when I needed to during a time in my life, or maybe it’s the hero’s journey that these movies portray and how their journey resonates with me. Maybe it’s the characters and how I based some of my personalities or identities on some of them. Either way, I want to share this with you today.

Whether you’re a movie buff or just a casual viewer, these three movies are downright unskippable.

Of course, I’ll do my best to keep this spoiler-free, but it’s best that you watch the movies before you even continue reading. You’ll thank me later.

Let’s kick things off with the one and only Forrest Gump. Played by the charming Tom Hanks, Forrest is a simple, yet extraordinary guy whose life story has more twists and turns than a roller coaster. We’re talking about being a captain, a champion, and a hero – this dude’s done it all!
Plus, he’s got a heart of gold and an endless supply of quotable wisdom. If you don’t find yourself muttering Forrest Gump quotes in your everyday life after watching this, well, why not!?

His life story is so amazing, although it’s fiction, I feel like it’s something that I wanna tell and share with everyone willing to listen. It’s amazing, full of color, unforgettable characters, and more. I wish to have a life even 10% close to what Forrest had!

This movie serves up a delicious assortment of emotions, from laughter to tears, all wrapped up in Forrest’s incredible journey. So, grab a box of your favorite chocolates and get ready to savor the unpredictable sweetness of life, Forrest Gump style.

Forrest Gump is chock-full of moments that’ll have you grinning from ear to ear, and others that’ll leave you reaching for the tissues. We won’t give away the goods, but trust us, there’s plenty to love here. Watch Forrest’s unlikely friendships blossom, like his lifelong bond with the lovable Bubba, or his heroic acts in the face of danger. This movie is everything to me.

And the life lessons? Oh man, where do I start? From the importance of love and friendship to the power of perseverance, Forrest Gump teaches us that even the most ordinary people can do extraordinary things. Get ready for a wild, heartwarming ride through the decades with our main man, Forrest.

And remember, “That’s all we have to say about that.” (For now, at least!)

Next up in our trio of the unskippables is Patch Adams, where the legendary Robin Williams (rest in peace), brings to life a doctor who’s a firm believer in the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Armed with a red clown nose and an infectious sense of humor, Patch’s unique approach to healing is a hilarious and heartwarming reminder that sometimes all you need is a good laugh to lift your spirits. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love a movie where the doc cracks you up (literally)?

Watching Patch Adams taught me a lot about learning about people, listening to them, and I mean really listen to them. I’m still having a hard time doing it now but I’m trying my best and whenever I’m feeling down in the dumps, I watch this movie. It somehow became one of the chargers to my life’s battery.

There’s so much more to Patch Adams than just the laughs; it’s also a heartwarming tale of one man’s quest to bring a little humanity back to the world of medicine. Patch’s journey will have you rooting for him as he takes on the stuffy medical establishment, proving that treating patients as real people (not just cases) can make all the difference. It’s like a warm hug for your soul, wrapped up in a fun, feel-good movie.

Fun fact: Patch Adams is actually based on the life of the real Dr. Hunter “Patch” Adams. This inspiring doc took laughter therapy to a whole new level, founding the Gesundheit! Institute and spreading joy to patients all over the world. So, not only does this movie serve up a healthy dose of giggles, but it’s also got some serious real-life impact cred. Respect.

Prepare to be inspired by this funny, heartwarming, and thought-provoking tale of one man’s mission to heal with humor especially in this day and age. And remember, laughter really is contagious, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself cracking up long after the credits roll!

Last, but certainly not least, is The Truman Show, starring the hilarious and lovable Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank. This movie was doing reality TV before reality TV was even born! Picture this: Truman’s perfect and peaceful life is torn into disarray when a series of events makes him think twice if his life is actually his own.

I was seven years old when this came out in theaters. After watching it, I didn’t much of it back then but for some reason, it stuck with me over the years, and when I turned into an adult, I rewatched it again for old time’s sake but afterward, I was mind blown that this kind of movie came out in 1998.

The Truman Show offers a funhouse mirror look at the lengths people will go to create the “perfect” TV experience. From meticulously crafted sets and crazy weather patterns to carefully orchestrated encounters, the world of Seahaven Island makes you wonder if we’re all just a few camera angles away from our own show. It’s an eerily prophetic view of media culture that’s equal parts hilarious and thought-provoking. Just look at content creators now!

Truman’s quest for the truth will have you glued to your screen, cheering him on as he unravels the mystery of his existence. We’ve all had those “Is this real life?” moments, but Truman’s journey is a whole other level of mind-fuckery.

The Truman Show is more than just a quirky comedy; it’s a thought-provoking exploration of the dark side of fame and society’s obsession with watching other people’s lives. It begs the question: How much of our own lives are truly authentic when we’re constantly under the watchful gaze of others? And, you know, it might just make you think twice about binge-watching that next reality TV marathon.

( Tima Miroshnichenko / Pexels )

These three unskippable movies are sure to tickle your funny bone, tug at your heartstrings, and maybe even mess with your head a little bit. Well, maybe a lot. Whether you just watched these for the first time or someone who goes back to watching them every now and then, Forrest Gump, Patch Adams, and The Truman Show are like old friends you just can’t get enough of. They’re the kind of movies that’ll leave you grinning from ear to ear and quoting lines everywhere you go. You know, the stuff that makes movies unforgettable!

Gather your squad, whip up some popcorn, and get ready to laugh, cry, and ponder the meaning of life with these cinematic gems.

So, what’s your unskippable movie?

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