Learn to bust a move out at the Swing Out

Ever wanted to learn how to swing dance? Well, now is your chance. The Dusty Flowerpot Cabaret is hosting a show Tuesday nights from 7-10 called The Swing Out. Swing is a type of dancing that is typically done in groups and is danced to with jazz music. This event will have music from The Dusty House Dance Band led by Jo Abbott. This event will also feature guest musicians each week, drinks and a place to connect with people.

Events like these are super cool and fun to go to since it gives you a chance to try something that you may not be able to try otherwise. I recently went to another event from the Dusty Flowerpot Cabaret called Disco Inferno. This event was an interactive disco where the audience becomes a part of the play. It was a super fun event, even if you didn’t really know how to dance, much like myself. And because of this, I will definitely be going to the Swing Out as well.


(Post from the last Swing Out event).

I think it’s very important to try things that you may not be all that comfortable doing. Dancing has never been something I have been into or good at so it’s definitely out of my comfort zone. After trying dancing at Disco Inferno I definitely want to try more dancing and try to get better at it. The people at the Dusty Flowerpot Cabaret are also very willing to help people learn and get the hang of dancing since not everyone will be an expert the first time they try it.

The Swing Out will be happening every Tuesday, so it’s definitely something that would be cool to check out and try something unique. We all need days where we do something a little fun for a night and let loose a little. The Swing Out may be the perfect thing to try out to do that. I’m definitely excited to try it after the great experience I had with Disco Inferno and I know that this event will be just as fun.

So grab some friends, or if you’re going on a date, the Swing Out will be a great time for you and I guarantee you will have a great time!

To learn more information about the Swing Out event, check out their website and learn more details about how to get tickets and join in on the fun.

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