Turkish-Canadian Society to Celebrate 100 Years of the Turkish Republic with Women’s Arts on International Women’s Day

A Turkish Art Exhibit is set to take place today at the SFU Segal Graduate School of Business in Downtown, Vancouver.


The Turkish-Canadian Society’s Mission is to “increase the public knowledge of contemporary and traditional Turkish art and culture while creating a productive environment, as well as sharing the history and teaching the language, for the enrichment and educational benefit of the people of Canada.”

The entire art exhibit is going to have artworks made entirely by women. There will be lineups of artworks made by Turkish women, as well as Canadian artists who have made artwork about Turkish culture. It has been stated that there will be artworks displayed that were inspired by the recent earthquakes that hit Türkiye and Syria just last month. The Art director for this event is Nilufar Moayeri.

The founder of the modern Turkish Republic, Ataturk, spoke about how he respected women and art by saying statements such as, “Everything we see in the world is the creative work of women”, “A nation without art will have one of its vital veins ruptured”, and, “The hands of an artist are to be kissed; those who are artists shall not kiss hands!”


There will also be a cash bar for drinks and light refreshments. It’s likely that those drinks will be of Turkish culture, so there’s also the opportunity to taste some drinks from Turkey by showing up at this art exhibit. 

Admission is free and will take place today from 4 pm (PST) to 9 pm (PST). The doors will open at 4 pm, with some welcome speeches set to occur at 6 pm. Once the speeches conclude, there will 3 hours (6 pm – 9 pm) to explore the exhibit and try the drinks. 

This opportunity to experience Turkish culture will only take place tonight, meaning if you’re available and in the area, this is a great opportunity to learn more about Turkish culture and Turkish artwork, especially since there are no plans for another event later this year, next year, or ever. 

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