Vacation Dreams

Today is National Plan Your Vacation Day. You might already be planning your next vacation to that place you’ve always wanted to go to. You see plane ticket prices right now and say “Hey, this looks like a good deal.” Or you’re planning to go on a road trip in a couple of months and need to make sure you have the time. Either way, you’re planning on going somewhere this year.

My parents always planned trips far ahead. Back in late 2019, they were planning a trip to Europe for their anniversary during the second half of March 2020. Of course, we all know what happened. My parents were still considering going but ultimately decided not to for safety reasons. They finally got to go during the summer last year and to this day, they always talk about that trip.

Back in 2021, our family decided to take a road trip, which was our first trip in 2 years. My parents spent some time deciding on what to do. Road trips are weird because they actually live up more to the name than you think. I’m pretty sure we spent over 75% of that trip driving around rather than doing other things like visiting national parks, eating at fast food places or fancy restaurants, and doing other fun activities. I have to admit, the drives were still pretty good. You’re just sitting there, blasting music through your headphones and still being able to hear everything around you, watching movies, and talking with your family about things you’re going to forget about the next day.

Vacations are something you should always cherish. You don’t get a lot of them in your lifetime, so make sure you appreciate them. You can go alone, or with family and/or friends. Either way, you should go on one at some point this year if you can.

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