People need to wait for things to come out

You might’ve seen people talk about how artists “fall off” when they don’t release anything for a while. Take Olivia Rodrigo as an example. People have been talking about her “decline” since she hasn’t released anything significant since 2021. Except for the fact that 2023 just started. Most artists usually sit on their albums for 3 to 4 years, 2 if we’re lucky. You’re also lucky if an artist releases anything within a year nowadays. If the artist doesn’t prioritize singles, then you have to expect to wait sometime for the next thing to come.

If artists released things back to back, it’s going to get tiring. The quality of the thing you create will start going down and people will eventually get tired of it. This isn’t even exclusive to music. It also applies to shows, movies, and video games. Take Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty, and Skylanders as examples. Those games were getting pumped out every year. But without any kind of real change between each game or attention to detail, people started getting tired of the games coming out every year. Eventually, each of those genres had its droughts which might be for the best.

Things also happen to people over the years. When it comes to albums, the artists usually go on tour and go on other ventures to support their art. The music is one thing, but it can’t go far without any touring or other ventures these days. We’re no longer in the age of The Beatles where they can get away with becoming just a studio act during their last years and still be talked about. Or how game developers make other games that aren’t part of the same franchise. These developers like having more than one idea to work with and sometimes it just doesn’t fit with their other works.

You never want to make too much of something at once. It’s going to get tiring after a while. The best thing to do is wait and appreciate what has been released right now.

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