Korean inspired Art – Han-Soom

The Art Gallery at Evergreen located in Coquitlam at 1205 Pinetree Way #1 is showcasing the artistic and crafty works of artists, Grace Han and Gloria Jue-Youn Han in an exhibition called Han-Soom. The exhibition features the intricately designed ceramic vessels and clay objects that have rich Korean roots. With a combination of the extensive training that the artists have gone through and the teachings of their elders, this exhibition displays multiple layers of culture and skill. There are few galleries that connect people with the artists and their creative processes and the Art Gallery at Evergreen is one of them.

Grace Han is well-versed in the world of ceramics. At a Korean University, she received her Bachelor of Fine Arts, where she specialized in traditional Korean ceramic techniques. She also worked for several years for one of Korea’s largest ceramic companies. Her knowledge and skills in the world of ceramics allows her to use clay as a medium to share her story with audiences. On top of being a talented, crafty artist, she’s a teacher at the University of Manitoba’s School of Art.

Gloria Jue-Youn is an artist that delves into cultural traditions of her Korean roots and her Canadian exposure. Her work is inspired by her experience as a first generation Korean Canadian and the traditions ingrained in her culture. She looks at pottery as a way for her to communicate to the audiences her emotions of care, intimacy and love. All of which is a part that plays behind the creative process to create her work. Han is a teacher at Langara College where she continues to inspire people.

Both artists share many similarities in their art and in their lives. They have a Korean influence in their art and upbringing and they’re both teachers. The Art Gallery at Evergreen is the perfect opportunity to understand and appreciate the delicate process behind creating ceramic vessels and clay objects.

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