A refreshing art exhibition – Echo’s Bones

The Gallery Jones Fine Arts Ltd, which is located at 258 E, 1st Ave in Vancouver is currently showcasing the work of an artist named Pierre Coupey. The exhibition is called, “Echo’s Bones.” The paintings on display at the gallery has complex, vibrant and colorful layers to it. Coupey has stated that his interest is “not in representation by presentation.” This allows the person looking at these paintings to create their own meaning behind his work. The interpretations that people make from looking at these paintings are different. It reveals more about the person looking at the art than the art itself, or for that matter, even the artist.

Coupey has released several books of poetry, chapbooks and catalogues, and exhibited in solo and group shows on national and international level. His work has been represented in several private collections in, the United States, Japan and Europe. His work has also been represented in several corporate, university and public collections across Canada. Over the many years of expressing himself through his work, he has honed the skill of improving and evolving as an artist. In 2013, Pierre Coupey received the Distinguished Artist Award from FANS in 2013 and has also been inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 2018. People from all walks of life recognize his work and the contributions that he has made to Canada’s literary and artistic communities.

His extensive time spent producing art through paintings and literature in solo and group exhibitions make him one of the best Canadian artists of his time. His work inspires other artists and even people who appreciate artistic talent. From 1964 till now, he has showed his artistic prowess to the public. The inspiration behind his work has changed over the years to shape his style. People who love art or have a deep appreciation for it, need to take a look at his work to try and articulate the style that Coupey has.

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