High drama to unfold when Chris Eubank Jr. faces Liam Smith

On January 21st the world of boxing fans are going to witness a fierce and competitive middleweight bout that is scheduled for 12 rounds that feature Chris Eubank Jr. and Liam Smith. Both boxers, have a familial history that is attached to the sport. Chris Eubank Jr. is returning to the ring after his previous match did not happen because his opponent, Conor Benn was under investigation for using performance enhancement drugs which he denies till this day and Eubank Jr. believes it. The pressure of living up to their family name is not a factor for Chris Eubank Jr. and Liam Smith because they have cemented their legacies in the extensive careers. The highly anticipated all-British matchup is guaranteed to have high drama and a display of elite level boxing.

The promotional lead up to this bout has been thoroughly entertaining, particularly a segment called, “The Gloves Are Off.” There is an undeniable intensity, and in some instances, humor when the two athletes sit across a table and are being interviewed at the same time. Surprisingly, the two were respectful of each other even though they disagreed with each other for majority of the interview. They even ended the interview by shaking hands. They have conducted themselves as professionals and are guaranteed to conducting themselves as professionals during the bout.

This is not the first time that they are sharing a ring together because they have had sparring sessions together a few years ago. Liam Smith is very adamant about the fact that he had hurt Chris Eubank Jr to the body and Chris Eubank says that he doesn’t remember how those sessions went because it was a long time ago. Despite what either of them have said to leading up to the bout to promote this bout, fans are expecting it to be a spectacle.

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