McDonalds Monopoly is back!

McDonald’s isn’t making it easy to cut down on fast food for your diet. They are coming back with McDonalds Monopoly. If you don’t know what it is, you’re about to find out! This gives you an opportunity to win some free food and other cool rewards. The concept basically encourages customers to buy more of their food but to be more accurate, they want you to buy certain foods more than others. When you buy any type of burger other than the junior chicken or the breakfast burgers, you get a sticker on the packaging. This sticker could have a potential reward that you can claim. Some of the rewards can help you claim more of their products for free but some rewards can help you claim expensive gift like a car or even money! However, the chances of getting the bigger rewards are pretty slim if you consider how many people are able to win the rewards.

I am completely guilty of ordering McDonald’s just to see if I won any cool rewards. And most of the time, it ends up being fries or a burger. The worst thing to happen for my wallet is when I win a big reward like a cash price or a car. I end up buying more food from them just in hopes of winning the bigger rewards out there. The thing that gives me hope is the fact that I can see how many rewards have been claimed and how many rewards are still available to claim. I know that the chances I actually win aren’t the best but I still keep buying them because on the off chance that I do win, it would be a story for the ages.

Have you ever got a reward from McDonald’s Monopoly event? Does it make you want more? Let us know in the comments.

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