National Coaches Week: Adapting as a coach

Coaches from different walks of life have their own reasons for getting into coaching. Dan Ferrato is a fitness coach at Club Sweat Fitness, looking to inspire people in their own fitness journeys. Dan’s personal fitness journey was one of the main catalysts that influenced him to become a coach…

“I was really overweight when I grew up and I lost a bunch of weight and I wanted to help people do the same.”

It takes a lot of character to proactively make changes to your lifestyle to become fit and healthy.

Coach Dan’s ongoing experience of his fitness journey makes him an asset to anyone he trains because of his extensive experience in the matter. Ferrato has a refreshing perspective on coaching through his years spent in the gym with his clients…

“It’s opened my eyes to the world to be honest with you. It’s taught me there’s all different walks of people and different walks of things and people learn differently and you’ve to coach them differently and so it’s taught me that I can kind of adapt to anybody.”

National Coaches Week is a chance to appreciate all the great things that coaches do for their students and it is also an opportunity to give them their flowers. If a coach has helped you change your life for the better, they deserve to know that their work makes a difference.

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