Langley Township as a Music Genre

**DISCLAMER** This is a series of opinion pieces from me (Dillon Bey), these articles should be perceived as satire and any negative opinions attributed to certain cities is only used as a fuel to the fire to push the narrative. I’m sorry if you disagree, the intention for these articles is just to have fun.


The sound of Langley Township, Langley Township has a sound more accustomed to that of folk but also heavy metal due to its rapid industrializations of working complexes and industrial complexes while also housing small community driven municipalities. These quiet towns, rich with culture next to high rises being built full of industrial sized amenities make the Township of Langley what it is cities like Brookswood, Murrayville, and Aldergrove are all small old towns being driven aside by new industrialization taking over that too which is the metal to the folk.

I think it could also be attributed to more noncentralized genres such as non-conformist alternatives just because there’s so not willing to conform to the standard music genres, specifically speaking of the municipality of Brookswood, they have a petition going on called Brookswood not brooks was which is all about keeping Brookswood the way it is and keeping out the new industrialization which I think conforms to the alternative non conformists as hypocritical as that may be.

I have more of a bias when talking about the Township of Langley as I do live there and have lived their my entire life.

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