Your mental health needs love too ♡

Taking care of yourself should be the number one priority in your life! There is only one of you in the whole universe and who else can take better care of you, than you? One of the top chronic health implications in Canada is mental health. Anxiety and depression can cause heavily impact your life and your relationship with those around you. The global movement for mental health has come a long way since 2008, and even more so in 2020 at the height of the pandemic. Since the start of the pandemic, so many people have started the conversation about mental health that helped others realize that everyone struggles with mental health and that they are not alone. As a mental health advocate and as someone who has struggled with anxiety and long-term depression, I want to share some effective tips and activities to improve your mental health.

You’ve probably been told over a hundred times that journaling helps tremendously with your mental health. I’m here to tell you, that they’re not wrong but it’s the type of journaling that you do. For as long as I can remember, I’m constantly writing down my feelings and writing in my journal every night before I head to bed. It can be quite the process and I know that time is the currency that we don’t always have. Therefore, I’ve picked up this journal called “The Five-Minute Journal,” and it has changed my self-care routine. The purpose of this journal is to take some time in the morning and before bedtime to answer a couple of questions. I personally like to write in the top section during my morning coffee. The questions are extremely simple but highly effective. At the top of each day, there is an inspirational quote to help you start your day, for example, my quote for today is “Surround yourself with people that inspire you and you will not only grow, you will soar.”

That quote put me in an incredibly positive mindset before starting my day. The journal starts by asking you to write down three things that you’re grateful for. The second question is “What would make today great?” and the last question is “Daily affirmation.” It is so incredibly simple and so amazing how it can bring so much joy to those three questions. Gratitude helps by promoting more positive emotions and building stronger relationships with yourself and those around you as well. The nighttime section of the entry will ask you about the “highlights of your day.” This is my favourite part of the entry for when I look back at the journal in the future, I can see what I did that day and realize how happy it made me that I wrote it down. Lastly, the entry ends with “What did I learn today.” According to studies, human beings learn three new things every day. For me, yesterday I learned that pumpkins are fruits and not vegetables. Who would’ve known?

Music is the universal language! There’s not a single individual on this planet that doesn’t listen to music. As people know, music can sometimes brings people together, but it can also be an intimate thing as well. It has been said before that songs are the windows to someone’s soul. Speaking from experience, I have specific playlists that I would play at a party, or in the car with my friends. I also have a playlist that would be for my ears, and my ears only. There is a time when the music that I love is very “cringe” among my peers. So, whenever I feel a little bit down, I put on my said cringe playlist and sing my little heart out because there has been a time when the only thing that will cheer me up is the old-school Hannah Montana soundtracks. That, alongside High School Musical and Camp Rock. Might sound a little silly but singing causes your body to release endorphins. Therefore, you just have to say who cares and sing at the top of your lungs. For however long you wish.

You have probably heard this phrase before, but I’m going to say it again. TREAT YO SELF! You deserve it! That goes for anything, it can be new shoes or outfits, some sparkly jewellery, or the new game you’ve been eyeing. Since I am obsessed with food, I try to treat myself to a nice meal or snack twice a month. Sometimes it’s a nice filling hotpot or sushi dinner, or something small like a Thai milk tea. It’s always an important thing to treat yourself, you try your best and you work hard at what you do. Therefore, you deserve to have some TLC here and there. Treating yourself can also help lower the stress in our life as well as lowering the risk of chronic health diseases such as heart diseases, depression, and strokes. As previously mentioned, the only person that’s going to take care of you the best is yourself. It’s easy to feel upset and to put yourself down, but rewarding yourself occasionally can significantly make you feel more energized, cared for, and simply happy.

Mental health is extremely important and needs to be the top priority. In the beginning, putting yourself first can be tough because we’re not taught to be selfish. We are taught to be selfless but by not putting yourself and your mental health first, you are being selfish to yourself. Therefore, you must love yourself. These simple things such as treating yourself, listening and dancing to your favourite tunes, and writing down what you are grateful for can drastically improve your mental health. I truly hope that you try out some of these activities and that you have a blast doing them.

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