My favourite Instagram foodies

I have a newfound obsession with food bloggers/influencers. At 20 years old I’ve (mostly) grown out of watching makeup routines and Tik Tok dances.

As cliche as it sounds, I know I’m getting old when I get excited over a new recipe to try. I love watching people prepare and talk about food.

My Instagram feed is pretty much only recipe tutorials, restaurant reviews, and cooking ASMR.

As fewer and fewer people subscribe to cable, it’s evident that Instagram foodies are the future of the culinary world and I think it’s time y’all hop on the train and get obsessed too.

Carolina Gelen @carolinagelen

Carolina is the cutest human being in the world and she has some bomb-ass recipes. I chose to share her mici/mititei recipe, as it’s from her home country of Romania. However, Carolina makes dishes from all around the world. It makes sense that she’s a food stylist, as her Instagram is so darn pretty to look at.

Tina Choi @doobydobap

Tina Choi’s Youtube has led me to my current fascination with Korean street food. She has such a warm and charismatic energy and a clear love for food. She’s got me finishing one of those giant containers of kimchi in under a month.

Tina is a Cornell graduate, with a degree in food chemistry, which makes her recipes unique and thoughtful to the scientific process of cooking.

Lisa Kitahara @okonomikitchen

I have so many of Lisa Kitahara’s recipes saved, it’s almost embarrassing. This girl has a chokehold on what I’m eating. The Canadian foodie develops vegan versions of Japanese classics, like yaki curry, ramen, and even sushi!

Vegan recipes can be underwhelming and they get a bad rap, but Lisa turns it out with the veggies and meat/dairy substitutes and creates some delicious recipes, that even a meat-eater like myself enjoys.

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