Could you Imagine Picasso?

The world of immersive art exhibits is taking the world by storm.

Over the Summer at the Vancouver Convention Center had the immersive exhibit “Imagen Van Gogh” the amazed the masses.

Running right now at the Vancouver Convention Center from now until January 8th, 2022, you can go experience the world of immersion with the art of Pablo Picasso through Imagine Picasso!

Through modern art and technology, you will be able witness in all its beauty certain pieces of art that other then on the internet you may never be able to see up-close as Pablo Picasso’s work is considered as a national treasures and is forbidden to toured or loaned.

“Who is Picasso?” you might be asking. Well in short term he was one of the most influential painter in the 20th century known for his most popular piece of art the ‘Guernica’

Now you might be asking “well what’s ‘Guernica‘?” and to that I’d say you ask a lot of questions before getting to really know the artist… but to that I say, lets learn art history together! I’ll hold your hand to the door of the exhibit so once you’re inside you can full appreciate the art you are about to see!

So, Pablo Picasso is a household name that lived between 1881 to 1973. He was a Spanish artist of the 20th century. He was also a sculptor, printmaker, stage designer and so much more. An influencer of the arts to say the least.

Fun Fact: This is Pablo’s full name, Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso. (rolls right off the tongue, doesn’t it?)

 He along side artist George Braque he created the art style Cubism. Cubism is the art style that is most popularly associated with Picasso’s art. With the use of geometric shapes, he depicts humans and other forms of life and objects. This art style is said to strip life to its “purest” form. Think 8-bit but before 8-bit existed.

This art style disregarded all the rules of what traditional Western Painting was. Picasso started working with Cubism in 1905 but he was so hesitant about this new art that he didn’t make it public till 1916. What was considered on of the first work of Cubism was Picasso’s “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” which was a piece that was influenced buy Africa tribal art or 5 prostitutes. Which that alone was a taboo topic.

Before Cubism Picasso had to two eras the “Blue’ era and “Rose” era. These were along the lines of realism but just the names you get an idea of why they were called that. The ‘Blue’ era was more somber with cooler tones. The ‘Rose’ eras were far warmer with his use of pinks and oranges.

Later years in an era that would be described as “Synthetic cubism” and surrealism was his “Classic” era. He reimagined what he already reimaged of what traditional art was. The era is when Picasso would come out with some of his most icon painting that would inspire future generations to think outside the societal mold.

In this era is when he created his most popular work ‘Guernica’ (don’t think that I forgot about this). This work of art was his depiction of the Nazi’s bombing the town of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War.


So that was a little flash into the life of Pablo Picasso and his art! Now that you’re ready to enter the exhibit what could you expect? Well a few testimonies say you will not be disappointed!

“Imagine Picasso, you exceed all expectation!! In the massive space, the angled structures serve as a backdrop to the projections of his prolific works, creating a breathtaking piece of interactive cubist art itself.” – Artseartstudio


“The Picasso show far exceeded our expectations! We knew we’d love it – we loved the Van Gogh exhibit, – but we were blown away by Picasso. So many works we had never seen before (and we’ve studied art extensively). Lovely show!” –

Nancy Herring

This is clearly something you cannot miss.

So here is what you should expect once you’ve chosen to immerse yourself. For starters it’s a chosen your own path. Picasso’s art is projected everywhere. On the walls, the ground, obscure structures in the middle of the room. You go where your heart takes you.

Imagine Picasso has over 200 of his most prominent art pieces with the layout of the center pieces deigned by  Star-Architect Ruby Ricciotti and Mauger take inspiration from his paper sculptures.

With the use of projecting Picasso’s art onto these surfaces you are able to see up-close and magnified. Seeing details, you may have missed in a museum. You’re truly able to fully experience his art.

In a new and modern way of displaying the work of art that is Picasso it in it’s self is a work of art.

There is also an educational section to Imagine Picasso. Here you can learn of all your favourite pieces of art that were projected. Learn more about the man behind the brush that is Pablo Picasso! This immersion is for all ages, so they even offer a booklet to teach and inspire your little artist.

For all ticket information and time find your way to and begin your immersion.

Imagine Picasso is a new and exciting way to experience the art of Pablo Picasso. More than 200 of his most renowned…

Posted by Imagine Picasso on Monday 29 November 2021


So, what do you say, huh? Are you ready to immerse yourself and Imagine Picasso?

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