93.7 JR Country’s Basics for Babies is back

After not having an in person fundraising event for almost two year, 93.7 JR Country’s Basics For Babies is back once again.

After realizing that there was a chronic shortage of baby items in Lower Mainland food banks, 93.7 JR Country started Basics for Babies in 1994, and since then, over 2 millions dollars and hundreds of thousands of baby food, formula, diapers, clothes, and many other items have been raised for local food banks.

JR will be having their fundraising event on December 15th in the Langley Events Centre parking lot from 8AM to 6PM. It will be a drive thru event with physical distance taking place, masks being worn, and of course, hand sanitizer available.

“But basically what will happen is people will bring their donations up to our tent, we’ll have a few tents set up, we’ll have our team out there. And you can just pop your trunk or open your side door and our team will reach into your vehicle and collect the donations and keep them keep them under our tent, and you can just drive away and we’ll have music playing.” -Kelly Holmes, Promotions Director – 93.7 JR Country

As to what to bring, they are really encouraging people to bring diapers, especially for newborns, and food formula. They are encouraging people to not bring blankets or clothing because the event is focused on feeding the hungry babies, but will take the donation and make sure it ends up in the right spot.

Last year, the fundraising event was held virtually, but in a week, they were able to raise over $16,000 dollars. That total has become their goal for the day this year. Holmes admits it is a little lofty but is hoping that having the option of in-person and online donations will help them reach that goal.

And now after the devastating flooding that occured throughout the province, food banks are in high demand for product, which includes items for babies.

“We’re just hoping that yeah, people will think of Basics for Babies when the time comes, and especially, you know, with the floods and everything to you know, there’s families that have babies, so I mean, they’re going to need some of these resources, as well. So it’s a way you can help contribute to the floods as well through basics for babies.”

To make an online donation on December 15ht, click here.


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