Christmas Lights, too Much, too Many, too Soon?

Tis the season for everyone to get out their old rickety ladder and struggle to put up the Christmas lights. Just like last year when you struggled then, and swore to buy a new ladder. Well this year won’t be any different as many people are now decorating this is to say that like all the years previous it is time for bc hydro to tell us about how much energy we are using with these displays.

Bc hydro brings up a good point as all of these lights can really use a lot of electricity. Bc hydro is letting us all know that when it comes to what type of lights we should be putting up we should be focusing on the LEDs’ as they are by far the best for efficiency. In their 2018 report on Grinch to Griswold they mention that when you compare incandescent, with LEDs’ the difference in one of their examples was that the incandescent would have cost 14.10$ to power whereas the same configuration with LEDs would have just costed 0.18$. That is a huge difference when it comes to efficiency. This means that when it comes to what type of lights you should be putting up LEDs are the right answer even if you have to invest in a new set of lights the power efficiency is unmatched.

Some people think that the displays are getting to be too much, and too early. We are in the middle of November and the retail stores think that Christmas is tomorrow so we may as well start putting up some lights, maybe don’t go all out just yet. Also it is important to remember that when you are getting ready to put up your decorations that you do it safely. BC Hydro’s Grinch to Griswold has a list of things to do to make sure that you are safe this holiday season.

○Stay three meters away from power lines when putting up decorations outdoors.

○Use a fiberglass or aluminum ladder when hanging lights outdoors and check it for defects before using. 

○Inspect electrical decorations for damage before use—cracked or damage sockets or bare wires can cause an electrical shock or start a fire.

○Protect cords from damage—avoid them being pinched by furniture, placed under rugs or near a heat source and do not overload electrical outlets. 

○Never connect more than three strands of incandescent lights – this can not only blow a fuse, but is also a fire risk. 

○Turn off and unplug all decorations before going to sleep or leaving the house (or use a timer so they turn off automatically). 

○Mashed potatoes on the stove or apple pie in the oven? Stay in the kitchen while they are cooking. Unattended cooking equipment is a leading cause of house fires. 

○ Use battery-operated candles rather than the real thing.

Stay safe this season.

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