A Vancouverite bringing you to Ekkstacy with the fusion of sound.

Confidence can be a funny thing, speaking from experience. When you lose it, it seems so far away and when you get it, it’s so powerful that you can show the world who you really are.

18-year-old Vancouverite, Ekkstacy, credits confidence is the only reason he didn’t start chasing his passion for music a little earlier. I mean it’s not like he’s late, he’s only 18, but he says that having that self-doubt is what held him back, but now that he’s pushed through, he’s all in and nothing can stop him.

It wasn’t an easy road to get to that inner confidence he so needed. After his parent’s divorce, alcohol abuse and drug-induced psychosis, Ekkstacy just began writing and letting his emotions come out through his music.

Inspired by the likes of Elliot Smith, Bon Iver and Bedroom, Ekkstacy’s truly unique sound combines all the beauty of indie, post-punk and synth wave while his lyrics always come from his heart and you can feel it, which can’t be said about all music these days and that’s what true art is. He says, “There isn’t any hidden meaning in any of my songs. What I say is what I mean.”

And this is exemplified in the singles he’s released in 2021. He first released “I walk this earth all by myself” and “Uncomparable”, then he followed it up with a song that’s been getting a lot of attention online.

In his brilliant artistry, his most recent release, “I want to be by your side”, is a follow-up song to the previous two. It’s as if he is telling a tale that continuously flows through all three songs while also incorporating another Vancouver artist, Herhexx. The introspective tune will take you away in its melody and tone, as if your flowing down a calm, peaceful river with nothing but the song in your ears.

I wish I could tell you a date he’ll be intown that’s coming up but our boy Ekkstacy is making huge ripples in the music world. He can be caught performing from Brooklyn to Texas, and all the way to Berlin. Make sure to check out all his socials, especially his YouTube and stay tuned for upcoming performances. This is a show you won’t want to miss!


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