Today is World Teachers’ Day – Thank You Teachers

All around the world on October 5th, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. The reason why this specific day was chosen is because back in 1966, UNSESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) was adopted to aid teachers in knowing their rights to bring awareness to their importance in educating people of all ages. What makes someone a teacher exactly? By definition, a teacher is someone who educates another in any shape or form, it doesn’t matter if you have a PhD in Educational Studies or a 7th grade tutor, you are a teacher.

Mossholder, Tim. ‘Love to Learn’ 2019.JPG file. / Unsplash

Being a teacher means so much more than just simply educating others, they are role models. Children spend more than 6 hours at school, 5 days a week, which is more than 36% of their waking hours being in close proximity with teachers. They are essential to the growth of children all around the world are time and time again severely underappreciated. Especially in the era of online and remote school, teachers are burdened with the task of delivering the same quality content as if it were in-person, but without the joys of offline characteristics. The next time you meet your teacher in person or send them an email, just take some time to tell them how much they are appreciated, and let your peers know as well.

Currently, I am in post-secondary with a collection of wonderful teachers, and I could not have asked for more. I just wanted to give each of them a shout-out for their continued devotion to this program: Adnan, Brian, Gord, Dr. Ike, Kathryn, Kevin, Marlize, Martin, Paul, Rachael, Todd, and most of all, Dennis. You’ve all turned my education into quite an enjoyable experience and I certainly would not have stayed in the program if not for all the continued support from my teachers.

So thank you.

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