Vancouver Acting Scene Booming in 2021

While many areas of Vancouver’s economy have struggled through the pandemic the local acting scene is at an all time high, according to 2021 Vancouver Film School graduate Chris Byron.

“Well actually, surprisingly, the acting particularly here in Vancouver is booming right now. Vancouver is actually busier than it has ever been, it is difficult to break in but as soon as you get in now, you are working steadily.”

The pandemic caused backlog in new movie, television, and commercial productions, that dam is breaking. Despite being fresh out of film school this spring, Byron found himself featured in Toyota Canada’s newest advertisement which first aired on May 17th, two days ago.

“That was truly wonderful, I did that one on my own without an agent. That one was… that one was much more freelance than you would expect, it was just me and three or four other guys. I had to drive around Vancouver, I had to drive around Stanley park, all in all it was an awesome experience.”

If you are interested in television acting, now may be the best time to try your hand in the field.

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