Being productive in the mornings

Rise and shine everyone, it’s another work day filled with too many projects and not enough motivation. We are well past that Christmas break rest time glow that we had and with still 2 weeks before the March break we are all just trying to get by. 

I’m not an expert on productivity, I do slink away into my bedroom and pretend the work doesn’t exist for a day and then panic finish everything by the end of that week because I did not schedule my time correctly. 

But I do know that productivity is best in the morning, why else would regular schools and workplaces make us get up so early? It’s because even though we are tired, we are more focused, the day goes by quicker and there is a lot more personal time in the evening to be with family or just chill and watch that next episode of Bridgerton. 

So if this speaks to you, and you find yourself staying up until 3 in the morning to get assignments done here are some ways to get up earlier and be more productive in the morning. 

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Set an Alarm: A maybe obvious one but during the days of COVID and classes that start at 12, I can sleep right up to my next class with only 5 minutes to grab a cup of coffee before it starts. Setting an alarm even if you don’t get up exactly when it goes off will start to get you restless to wake up. 

Leave Your Phone Alone: After taking off your alarm, leave your phone where it is. The thing I like about getting up early to do assignments is that I think all the people I chat to are still asleep so I am not missing out. My phone can be my biggest distraction, and leaving it on the other side of the room where I can’t see those notifications is the biggest help to getting stuff done. 

Eat Breakfast: *The most important meal of the day* but it’s true. Have something small even if you’re not a big breakfast person, it’ll kickstart your day, maybe even more than the 3 cups of coffee.

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