More thoughts about Working from Home

This is coming from someone who reorganized their whole room at 1 am.

So, like all things I have been letting TikTok rule my life and decisions slowly every day. I came across this video of a man explaining the concept of Fung Shui. For those who don’t know Feng shui is a pseudoscientific traditional practice originating from ancient China. It claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals surrounding their environments. So of course now that this man told me because my door faces my bed the energy in my room is off I had to listen, and I did sleep a little better after so who knows.

But I think there is a truth in this, staying stuck thinking at your desk or wherever you try and do your work will not help the flow of your creative thinking. You want to make where you work feels fun and happy so you’re motivated to work or else the thought of sitting there typing away will kill your motivation. It is best to surround your work area with things that bring you joy and happiness and that could be pictures of your friends, family, pets or pictures of people you admire and aspire to be.

The biggest thing for me is that I can’t work unless I have at least gone outside to do something first. It is so important to set a morning routine for yourself and just by doing so it can help you start your day and get the work you want done, done.

It is hard trying to make your relaxing home environment into both but remember that you’re doing the best that you can and to take breaks.

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