Will Social media Influencers die off?

Everyone has grown through at least one media platform being at its peak to then seeing it die off to nothing. It all started with Myspace then Tumblr then Facebook and now could Instagram be next?

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For being such a popular media platform, they definitely don’t care about complaints given to them by users of their app. It started when they changed the way you see your feed, to not being able to see what other’s like and now being a business-driven app.

Instagram took away the most used features and placed them in what we call “The out of reach part of your phone” where users are less likely to click. Instagram then replaced those with shop button features where you can just buy stuff.

For many “social influencers” it really angered them because their whole job and brand is posting on Instagram, with these new features it means less content being reached to other audiences for them. Now let’s bring TikTok to the mix.

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Unlike Vine, TikTok has surpassed the app in many ways. Going viral now isn’t luck or getting noticed by bigger accounts that share your content, now you just need an algorithm. This has given many users the ability to reach the viral like numbers. The content on TikTok is also so curated to you, you never miss a thing you wouldn’t like or watch.

The great thing about this app is you’re seeing regular people doing regular things but in interesting ways. Unlike Instagram many users (I am guilty of this) post their best self or best content to show you live an exciting life or just a calm peaceful one. TikTok has changed that, a simple video of someone waking up and going to do their shift at McDonalds can get up to a million views and likes.

Mental Health has started to be an even bigger conversation when talking about social media and appearances. When you go on Instagram what do you see? Who do you follow? People you like, friends from Highschool, Celebrities etc. Most of what you see is perfect images or bodies if you’re a woman, or man not to discriminate here. Most of what you see in the media isn’t reality you’re seeing the perfect depiction of the reality.

But on TikTok you’re seeing people like you with all different bodies, hair, faces, skin tones and everything (depending on your algorithm) I find that comforting because it is more relatable. I feel like the main reason this app has taken over like it has is because of regular people.

So, what do you think? People don’t really use Instagram as often as we did 5 years ago it’s somewhere you go when you’ve seen everything you needed to see everywhere else. Twitter on the other hand is tweet driven so if you’re funny you’ll get a decent following, but it might take a while, but it’s still content driven unlike images.

All things come to an end or adapt to the new IT thing so? Will we see a decline in “social influencers” and see more everyday people gain bigger platforms well, we will just have to wait and see!

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