Travelling the World Feels Like a Lifetime Ago…

This will require some imagination, because it’s something unusual. Something that hasn’t been talked or thought about in quite some time. Picture yourself, on a beach in Fiji. Laying on a chair, drink in hand, your favourite book, not a care in the world. The sun beaming down on your face. The waves crashing as they hit shore. Imagine thinking this was a possibility. Well at one point, which feels like centuries ago, it was possible.

Back in 2016, my girlfriend and I decided to quit our jobs, and travel the world. We were away for nearly six months and visited 10 countries during that time.

It was a bit unsettling for me at first. Living out of a backpack, visiting countries without knowing the language. How would we get by? Would we survive? “I hear it’s a bad time of year to visit, maybe we should just stay put.” The excuses I would make to not go somewhere at first was hilarious. We sometimes wouldn’t book a hotel or hostel until the day of. Not knowing where I was going to sleep a week from now gave me anxiety, but I learnt to roll with the punches.

Ultimately, travelling was one of the most beautiful and amazing experiences I’ve ever had. The world is an incredible place full of wonderful people. I was shocked at how many countries main source of income is tourism, which is why it makes me so sad for these people right now. Some countries are under complete lockdown and have been for some time. Who knows how or when they will get their next meal.

Once the world heals and has some normalcy again, I encourage everyone who has been on the fence about travelling, to take the leap of faith, and go somewhere that you’ve never been. Meet people from different countries and get their perspective on what makes them happy.

As soon as we’re given the green light, I’m outta here. Please, join me.

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